Process adaptation
Almost every process can be adapted to the actual demand thanks to in²nitely variable speed and torque control, which makes the process more
energy-ef²cient. Depending on the application, this saves up to 70% of energy.
More energy-saving potential can be tapped in applications with periodic acceleration and deceleration through energy-ef²cient motion sequences.
Maximum acceleration, speed and braking deceleration are not always necessary.
Energy-saving function
The energy-saving function of MOVITRAC
B as well as MOVIDRVE
B offers advantages when the application has to
be operated in the part-load range and dynamic properties are not a main requirement when load changes occur.
The dynamic adjustment of the magnetization current enables the motor to be operated with optimum ef²ciency in every operating point. The energy
consumption is reduced by up to 30% depending on the application.
The energy-saving function ensures optimum ef²ciency of the drive especially in conjunction with an energy-ef²cient motor.
DC Link coupLing
By connecting the DC links of several inverters, regenerative energy of one drive can be used directly as motor energy in another drive.
This measure can reduce energy consumption from the supply system if the drive sequences are segmented and suitable travel pro²les have been
: In storage and retrieval systems, the decentralized controller allows for controlling the travel pro²le in an intelligent manner and in this
way achieves optimum energy coupling.
Regenerative power suppLy
再生电力供应单位反馈的generative energy of a drive into the supply system.
The released braking energy is not dissipated via braking resistors but fed back into the supply system, which saves energy.
This is especially effective in hoists as well as storage and retrieval units.
ThermaLLy controLLed fans
The fans are switched on only when actual waste heat is generated. Not only does this lower energy consumption, it also increases the service life
of the fan.